Life Happens

Another Troubled White Guy In The News

The latest news story is about a gunman who shot and killed 4 people at the Waffle House in Tennessee today. Did you know he walked away naked? Of course we didn't see the words "Terrorist" linked in this news story. I'm sure he was just another troubled white guy. Why are white guys so angry? You can walk in a business with your AR-15, shoot and kill people and still walk away and you're naked. This can only happen in America. 

Is Waffle House going to hand out backpacks with every waffle order tomorrow? What is it going to take for politicians to stand up and do something.

When I was looking for dolls to put on my sign went to Value Village. I saw a "Bowling for Columbine" dvd on the shelf and decided to buy it. I haven't watched this movie in years and everything was relevant and sadly much hasn't changed. The anniversary of this shooting was just the other day.

There are so many issues to even list going on with guns in this gun crazed country. When the crazy husband owns ten guns and knives and holds a gun to his wife's head and then threatens to kill the entire family. She finally gets a divorce but he still wants his guns back. The guy who left the military but during his time in, he stockpiled weapons in his garage. The guys that leaves his gun in the car, the closet, and the bedroom. 

A black male gets shot and killed with his hands up or holding a phone or even with skittles in his pocket. He is shot on site. The white guy walks in to a church and murders innocent black churchgoers and drives off into the sunset. He is later offered Burger King. Even with the latest killing in the news today this white guy just walks away and is naked. It's actually a good guy without a gun and ladies and gentlemen this guy is black. Move over Black Panther because this hero is a black guy without a gun. Let's see how much news coverage this gets. 

What is it going to take? We need to get rid of these guns and also deal with racism. These two evil creations go hand and hand. Lots of white people are angry with a grown black man because he wants to take a knee but they don't do a damn thing about racism.

Do we really expect Donald Trump to do anything? Heck no. Hopefully he will be impeached or locked up. A crazy hustling fool who tells America to keep an eye out for the blacks, browns, and muslims but meanwhile he's picking your pocket. 

Everybody needs to get uncomfortable and continue with the conversation about guns and race on Earth Day. Sure lets reduce plastic but Bill and Tom don't need a AR-15.

Sorry Mother Nature!  



I wore this sign at the March for Our Lives